


timeit_arg_info_dec is a decorator that decorates a function when it runs, by printing its used parameters, their arguments, the execution time and the output of that function. This can help e.g. with debugging.

from typing import List
from time import sleep

import pandas as pd

from extra_ds_tools.decorators.func_decorators import timeit_arg_info_dec

def illustrate_decorater(a_number: int,
                         text: str,
                         lst: List[int],
                         df: pd.DataFrame,
                         either: bool = True,
    return "Look how informative!"

illustrate_decorater(42, 'Bob', list(range(100)), pd.DataFrame([list(range(1,10))]), either=False, **{'Even': 'this works!'})
    param          type_hint                    default_value    arg_type                     arg_value                 arg_len
--  -------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ---------
 0  a_number       int                                           int                          42
 1  text           str                                           str                          Bob                       3
 2  lst            List[int]                                     list                         [0, 1, 2,  .. 7, 98, 99]  100
 3  df             pandas.core.frame.DataFrame                   pandas.core.frame.DataFrame                            (1, 9)
 4  either         bool                         True             bool                         False
 5  kwarg['Even']                                                str                          this works!               11

illustrate_decorater() took 1.0 seconds to run.

Look how informative!
'Look how informative!'